Monday, October 23, 2006

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Yesterdays Doodles Today

After Picasso

I thought I'd serve you up a couple of doodles I did yesterday evening. I'm calling one After Picasso because there is something abstract about it and the second one is called simply Strange Thing because's a strange thing.

Strange Thing

Monday, October 16, 2006

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Some people seem blessed with no worry genes. They stroll through life, living to the max, not a care in the world. Well, I'm sure that's not true for the majority of humankind and those who seem worry-free are the ones who are good at hiding it. We all worry, I think what matters is the extent to which we can control worry so that it doesn't dominate our life. Not like this poor chap. He seems to have a lot of worries troubling him, its in his eyes.
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